WW4ME Spotlight — Gary Smith

in 140 characters or less please describe yourself(1 response)

Dynamic consultant, coach, speaker, writer, & entrepreneur

who do you listen to? who influences you currently? famous or not alive or not

Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn, MJ Durkin

what do you like to do when you’re not working?(1 response)

I am a ham radio operator

How do you organize yourself?(1 response)

Extremely well organized using Daylite, Evernote, and Miracle Morning

what is your morning or evening routine?(1 response)

I do a morning routine called S.A.V.E.R.S. Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing (Journaling)

What is your favorite quote or what quote comes to mind ?(1 response)

You must be before you can do, and you must do before you can have. Zig Ziglar

What skill(s) would you like to learn?(1 response)

  1. I want to learn to speak Slovak, my wife’s native language.
  2. I want to continue to hone my speaking skills.

What thing(s) do you do better than most people?(1 response)

I have the ability to establish an instant rapport with people and to get them to open up and talk about the problems they are facing.

What thing(s) would someone be surprised to know about you?(1 response)

Although I love being around people and helping them, I am actually an introvert.

What 1–3 tips would you give to someone who wanted to improve their life(1 response)

1. Take 100% responsibility for your life.

2. Develop a reasonable plan for improving your life.

3. Take massive ACTION!

Which person alive or not, famous or not would you like to hangout with?(1 response)

Benjamin Netanyahu

Where can people find you online (websites or social media)(1 response)





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